

The Why of Graphic Design

Success Through Strategic Thinking

Designers aren’t just glorified pixel pushers. Design, like many other professional jobs, is a mix of experience and understanding a variety of concepts. Like an engineer or contractor knows where walls, columns etc. are to be placed to bear the weight of a building, designers know how to structure and display information to effectively inform and (often times) entertain the customer.

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The Why of Sports Design

Design Principles in Sports Marketing

4.6 out of 5 on Amazon (33 reviews)

Design isn’t just pushing pixels around a screen. Properly trained designers are thinkers and problem solvers that can anticipate an audience’s needs and habits in any graphic. And with the average human attention span now at a quick 8 seconds, a designer must be able to inform and entertain an audience in a short amount of time. But, in order to effectively reach your audience, you must learn the “why” of design before you can master the “how.”

In the sports industry, design plays an important role in the success of any program. Yet, the gap between teams that value design and those that rely on staff with no formal design training is widening. This book offers tips, tricks and rules for those inexperienced designers, both in and out of the sports industry.

EPUB download for Apple devices coming soon!

What People Are Saying About “The Why of Sports Design”

“The Why of Sports Design is a practical and valuable tome on the fundamentals of what it takes to create for the most passionate brand loyalists on earth, sports fans. Steve covers the bases of sports design with clarity and precision. I’d especially recommend The Why of Sports Design to any younger designer who’s just starting to make their mark in our field, a solid resource and a good read.”

Noted brand designer/author Todd Radom

“I absolutely loved it! Been in the business for quite sometime now, and I still found the book very informative and true to the core of sports design. Quick, great read! Highly recommended.”

Tioni Taylor, Denver Broncos

“So much useful information that even the most experienced sports designers can learn from. Highly recommend to any designer trying to break into the industry!”

Garrett Little